So what's Friday night like in NQ? Noisy! Not like you'd expect a college dorm to be though. No loud music, no staggering drunks, just kids sitting in the lounges playing cards. Uno is apparently popular this time of the year.

However on my rounds I did come across a rather funny snippet of conversation complements of two girls watching TV in one of the lounges. Despite the lack of political correctness it is important to note that both girls mentioned are white. Here goes:

Girl #1: Were you always like this?
Girl #2: Not until like senior year. It was a turning point. I became an angry black woman.

Well that's all. Stay tuned for more excitement from the quiet quiet world of NQ.

So this section is going to feature all those fun, bizarre, and otherwise noteworthy events and situations I encounter while at work.

Currently I am stationed in the North Quad residence hall and it is QUIET. It's mostly upper-class-men and super-smart/studious type kids. Needless to say they don't cause too much trouble. So I don't have much to put here yet. I just make my rounds and get my exercise.

Speaking of rounds, each complete interior check I conduct is about a mile and a half of walking and 204 stairs. I make at least four complete rounds a night.

About this blog

Welcome to MadPikAvenger's Super Magical Funland. It's a super fun and random place. Take some time to look around, enjoy the sights, and of course let me know what you think.
